Literacy Educator Resources
When reading intervention is required for getting a student back on track, Neuhaus Education Center provides teachers with knowledge for why students are struggling and how to reach them, using classroom-ready tools and resources for actionable solutions. It’s an intentional investment in reading success that ensures Literacy for All.

Recommendations for Virtual Instruction
- Recommendations for Virtual Implementation of Neuhaus Education Center Curriculum
- Virtual Instruction with Basic Language Skills
- Goal Setting, Planning, and Preparing for Basic Language Skills Virtual Instruction
Depth of Oral Language
This chart can be used to demonstrate the idea of words with similar meanings but different intensities. Students can sort these words for “problem” into three piles: big problems, little problems, and medium problems.
Depth of Oral Language Chart (PDF)
Diamante and Cinquain: Two Poetry Forms for Teaching
These patterns for the diamonte and cinquain poems can support the teaching of parts of speech.
Diamante and Cinquain Patterns (PDF)
Games that support reading skills
Definition Concentration
Identify parts of speech from a picture.
These stroke descriptions aid in the formation of manuscript letters.
View stroke descriptions for manuscript letters (PDF)
These stroke descriptions aid in the formation of capital letters.
View stroke descriptions for capital letters (PDF)
These stroke descriptions aid in the formation of cursive letters.
- Lower Case Cursive Trace and Copy Pages
- Cursive Stroke Descriptions
- Handwriting: Letters Grouped by Approach Strokes This form can be used on your smartboard or as a consumable for handwriting practice.
- Open/Download slide for handwriting form (PowerPoint)
- Pencil Grip Video
- Manuscripts – Trace & Copy (PDF)
Hints from Hailey
“Hints from Hailey” are a series of videos that dives into each component of Neuhaus Reading Readiness (RR), Accurate and Automatic Reading (AAR), and Oral Language and Listening Comprehension (OLLC). These short video clips are intended for teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators who have already been trained by Neuhaus instructors and are seeking to improve their knowledge and use of Neuhaus curriculum so that students will become successful readers.
Start the Year Off Right!
- Reading Readiness
- RR Beginning of the Year Handout
- Accurate and Automatic Reading
- AAR Beginning of the Year Handout
Accurate and Automatic Reading Videos
Hints Handout for Accurate and Automatic Reading
- Lesson Overview
- Lesson Planning Concepts 26-28 (10 mins.)
- New Concept Introduction
- Decks
- Reading Practice Word Lists
- Reading Practice Sentences
- Word Profile
- Read Aloud
Accurate and Automatic Reading Mastery Check Videos
Hints Handout for Accurate and Automatic Reading Mastery Check
Oral Language and Listening Comprehension Videos
Hints Handout for Oral Language and Listening Comprehension
- Lesson Overview
- Lesson Planning Unit 16 (11 mins.)
- Naming
- Describing
- Listening and Questioning
- Story Retelling
- Card Pyramid
- 5W Cards
Reading Readiness Videos
Hints Handout for Reading Readiness
- Lesson Overview
- Lesson Planning Week 3 (11 mins.)
- Letter Recognition
- Phonological Awareness
- Oral Language
- Lesson Overview
- Lesson Planning Week 3 (11 mins.)
- Letter Recognition
- Phonological Awareness
- Multisensory Letter Introduction
- Handwriting
- Oral Language
Scientific Spelling Videos
Hints Handout for Scientific Spelling
- Overview and Planning (7 mins.)
- Introducing a Pattern
- Introducing a Rule
- Analyzing a Word List
- Irregular Words
Instructional Charts (Small)
These small versions of the classroom charts are sized to use with small groups of students. All of the files below are sized for 8.5 in. by 11 in. cardstock. Neuhaus instruction these to be used for: Accurate and Automatic Reading; Basic Language Skills; Language Enrichment; Multisensory Reading and Spelling; Reading Readiness; Scientific Spelling; Structured Handwriting; and Written Composition.
Basic Language Skills Schedule print on white cardstock | Describing Hierarchy chart print on orange cardstock | |
Language Enrichment Schedule print on white cardstock Fold the poster in half and select the schedule with or without the spelling component. | W.O.W./Copying chart (Watch Our Writing/Copying) print on light blue cardstock | |
S.O.S./Dictation chart (Save Our Spelling/Dictation) print on light green cardstock | L.L.P. chart (Listening Learning Posture) print on canary yellow cardstock | |
Reading Readiness Initial and Advanced Schedules print on blue cardstock | Accurate and Automatic Reading Schedule print on lavender cardstock | |
Language & Literacy for Young Learners Schedule print on cardstock |
The Layers of English
This display is a visual for teaching the history of English and the languages that contributed to English as it is today.
Mastery Check Gradebooks
Reading Readiness Mastery Check Gradebook
Use this Reading Readiness Mastery Check Gradebook to keep track of student data for the Reading Readiness Initial Mastery Check, Reading Readiness Advanced Mastery Check I, and Reading Readiness Advanced Mastery Check II. The gradebook document will open as “read only.” Please save a copy to your files before using.
Accurate and Automatic Reading Mastery Check Gradebook
Use this Accurate and Automatic Reading Mastery Check Gradebook to keep track of student data for all AAR Mastery Checks. The gradebook document will open as “read-only.” Please save a copy to your files before using.
Language Enrichment Mastery Check Gradebook
Use this Language Enrichment Mastery Check Gradebook to keep track of student data for all LE Mastery Checks. The gradebook document will open as “read-only.” Please save a copy to your files before using.
Language and Literacy for Young Learners Curriculum-Based Gradebook
Use this Language and Literacy for Young Learners Curriculum Based Measure Gradebook to keep track of student data. The gradebook document will open as “read-only.” Please save a copy to your files before using.
Mastery Checks – Accurate and Automatic Reading
- AAR Mastery Check I
- AAR Mastery Check II
- AAR Mastery Check III
- AAR Mastery Check IV
- AAR Mastery Check V
- AAR Mastery Check VI
- AAR Mastery Check VII
- AAR Mastery Check VIII
- AAR Mastery Check IX
Mastery Checks – Basic Language Skills
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check I
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check II
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check III
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check IV
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check V
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check VI
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check VII
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check VIII
- Basic Language Skills Mastery Check IX
Mastery Checks – Language and Literacy for Young Learners
Mastery Checks – Language Enrichment
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check I
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check II
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check III
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check IV
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check V
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check VI
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check VII
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check VIII
- Language Enrichment Mastery Check IX
Mastery Checks – Reading Readiness
Naming Screening and Benchmarks
A quick two-minute screening can be administered individually to students (grades 2-6) to measure their oral language. Includes naming categories and benchmarks.
Naming Screening and Benchmarks (PDF)
Question Starters for Deeper Thinking
These are examples of question starters that encourage students to delve more deeply into what they have read and make deeper connections. These question starters were compiled by Elizabeth Sledge and based on research by Benjamin Bloom and Robert J. Marzano.
Question Starters (PDF)
Quick Tips from Neuhaus
Alphabet letters, building blocks, and so much more! Neuhaus has developed educational videos to support our teachers and families as a trusted shoulder partner.
View Video Playlist (YouTube)
Rapid Recognition Chart Generator
Enter a list of six words, letters, sounds, or Final Stable Syllables, and generate 5 Rapid Recognition charts to use with your students. To use the Rapid Recognition Chart as an assessment, time the number of student readings of the chart within one minute.
Open/Download Rapid Recognition Chart Generator (Excel)
RTI Powerpoint Slides for Presentations
This presentation on the history and purpose of Response to Intervention is for use by teachers and administrators for professional development, courtesy of Mary E. Dahlgren, Ph.D.
RTI pdf’s for Teachers and Administrators
Practical and “do-able” strategies for meaningful screening, meticulous progress monitoring, and rich resources for effective intervention were taken from the workshop, Really Terrific Information on Response to Intervention, Mary E. Dahlgren, Ph. D., at Neuhaus Education Center, July 7-8, 2010.
Scaffold Cards for Independent Reading
After students have developed good metacognitive thinking skills for reading, question generation guided by these cards and careful teacher modeling can aid independent reading in both narrative and expository text.
Silly Cats are O.K.
Silly Cats are O.K. is a mnemonic for the elements of a story. Use this fun form to help your students summarize any narrative.
Spelling Word Analysis Chart
Word Analysis Chart for analyzing spelling words for regularity, irregularity, or those that follow spelling rules
Stories for Making Inferences
Have students guess the missing sentence and practice using clues for making inferences.
Stories for Making Inferences
Story Map
The Story Map offers another method for summarizing narratives.
Story Retelling Pictures
Ready-made pictures to print or show in a PowerPoint to accompany retelling activities in The Colors and Shapes of Language
Ready-made pictures to print or show in a PowerPoint to accompany retelling activities in Developing Metacognitive Skills
Story Retelling Rubric
Rubric for evaluating story retelling
Syllable Division Steps
Use these steps to guide syllable division and help students read longer words with ease.
Text Complexity
Use this guide to evaluate text complexity of both literary and informational text so that you can scaffold student understanding of complex text.
Word Bingo
Word Bingo is an activity in Multisensory Grammar. Enter a list of 24 words and generate 22 unique bingo cards and a scrambled list of your words. Great for word origin and parts of speech practice.
Word Bingo Card Generator (Excel)
Word Profiles
Word profiles including syllables, phonemes, letters, graphemes, syllable types, origin, derivatives and figurative language can be used with the passages from Practices for Developing Accuracy and Fluency or as a guide for general vocabulary building. Use the Word profile form for in-depth study of words and keeping your own personal dictionary.
Words for Webs
This is a list of suggested semantic webs, multiple meaning webs, and derivative webs to be used in conjunction with stories in Practices for Developing Accuracy and Fluency.
Print the Word Web Wizard and use it with web forms from Developing Metacognitive Skills.