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Oral Language & Listening Comp (AM-In Person)

Neuhaus Education Center 4433 Bissonnet, Bellaire, TX, United States

Oral language is the foundation of comprehension. In the early grades, comprehension is best developed through listening. In Oral Language & Listening Comprehension, participants learn: 1) the importance of oral […]

Scientific Spelling (PM-Virtual)


Students’ spelling errors demonstrate what they know and need to know about sounds and letter patterns to develop accurate spelling. By addressing specific needs, students improve their accuracy and learn […]

Scientific Spelling (PM-In Person)

Neuhaus Education Center 4433 Bissonnet, Bellaire, TX, United States

Students’ spelling errors demonstrate what they know and need to know about sounds and letter patterns to develop accurate spelling. By addressing specific needs, students improve their accuracy and learn […]

Structured Reading & Spelling Volume 1 (Virtual) – Day 3

Structured Reading and Spelling (SRS) is designed to specifically address older students (9th-12th) and adults who lack foundational and functional literacy skills.  This is a structured literacy program that has two […]

Language Enrichment (Virtual-Day 4)


Language Enrichment is a structured literacy curriculum that enables teachers to teach successful decoding for students in grades 1-3. In Language Enrichment, participants learn how and why instruction in structured […]

Dyslexia 101


Gain insight into the challenges individuals face when learning to read, including identifying those who may have dyslexia, and explore the necessary components of reading instruction crucial to their learning […]


Language Enrichment for Older Students (Virtual – Day 4)


Language Enrichment for Older Students is a Tier II intervention for upper elementary and middle school students who struggle with foundational literacy skills. The curriculum is based on the principles […]

Written Composition (AM-Virtual)


Students often struggle with written composition because they are unsure about how to formulate ideas and translate them onto paper. Knowledge of the structures of different paragraphs aids students in […]

Written Composition (AM-In Person)

Neuhaus Education Center 4433 Bissonnet, Bellaire, TX, United States

Students often struggle with written composition because they are unsure about how to formulate ideas and translate them onto paper. Knowledge of the structures of different paragraphs aids students in […]

Multisensory Grammar (PM-Virtual)


In Multisensory Grammar, participants learn: 1) activities that make the abstract concept of grammar concrete; 2) strategies for increasing students' sentence complexity when writing; and 3) to use of parts […]

Multisensory Grammar (PM-In Person)

Neuhaus Education Center 4433 Bissonnet, Bellaire, TX, United States

In Multisensory Grammar, participants learn: 1) activities that make the abstract concept of grammar concrete; 2) strategies for increasing students' sentence complexity when writing; and 3) to use of parts […]

Structured Reading & Spelling Volume 1 (Virtual) – Day 4

Structured Reading and Spelling (SRS) is designed to specifically address older students (9th-12th) and adults who lack foundational and functional literacy skills.  This is a structured literacy program that has two tracks (Standard or Accelerated) depending on the knowledge level of the student. SRS is an all-inclusive scripted manual that provides explicit instruction in word-attack skills, […]