Neuhaus Classes & Events
Oral Language and Listening Comprehension+
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 15, 2022 Oral language is the foundation of comprehension. In the early grades, comprehension is best developed through listening. In Oral Language & Listening Comprehension, participants learn: The importance of oral language and listening comprehension to skilled reading comprehension; Activities that develop oral language and comprehension; Assessment of students' oral language through […]
Reading Readiness
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 15, 2022 Research has demonstrated the importance of phonological awareness, letter recognition, and oral language in the acquisition of reading and spelling skills. Once students understand the sound structure of spoken language and can instantly name letters, they are ready to learn how sounds map onto letters. This knowledge builds their […]
Scientific Spelling
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 15, 2022 Students' spelling errors demonstrate what they know and need to know about sounds and letter patterns to develop accurate spelling. By addressing specific needs, students improve their accuracy and learn how to spell for a lifetime. In Scientific Spelling, participants learn how to analyze spelling errors and plan instruction to […]
Presentación sobre la lectura y la dislexia (Monthly Information Session)
VirtualNeuhaus ofrece una presentación gratis sobre los trastornos de lectura, especialmente la dislexia, instrucción multisensorial basado en evidencia, y la ley sobre la dislexia en Texas.
Accurate and Automatic Reading: First Instruction for K-2nd
VirtualAccurate and Automatic Reading is a professional learning course focused on building essential foundational word identification skills through explicit, systematic instruction of the structure of the English language with supporting reading practices. Deliver effective, evidence-based decoding lessons; Learn strategies to help students accurately read words and how to attach meaning to the words; and Practice and […]
Developing Metacognitive Strategies
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 16, 2022 In addition to skilled decoding, robust oral language and vocabulary, boundless world knowledge, adequate linguistic development, and sufficient working memory, students need to learn how to think about their thinking to understand what they are reading. That is, students need metacognitive skills for critical reading of narrative and expository […]
Language and Literacy for Young Learners (LLYL) – Kit 1
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 16, 2022 Children who develop the prerequisite literacy skills of phonological awareness, letter recognition, oral language, and concepts of print arrive at school ready to learn and are on the road to reading success. In Language & Literacy for Young Learners – Kit 1, participants learn: The importance of the prerequisite literacy […]
Accurate and Automatic Reading: First Instruction for K-2nd
VirtualAccurate and Automatic Reading is a professional learning course focused on building essential foundational word identification skills through explicit, systematic instruction of the structure of the English language with supporting reading practices. Deliver effective, evidence-based decoding lessons; Learn strategies to help students accurately read words and how to attach meaning to the words; and Practice and […]
Developing Metacognitive Strategies
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 16, 2022 In addition to skilled decoding, robust oral language and vocabulary, boundless world knowledge, adequate linguistic development, and sufficient working memory, students need to learn how to think about their thinking to understand what they are reading. That is, students need metacognitive skills for critical reading of narrative and expository […]
Language and Literacy for Young Learners (LLYL) – Kit 1
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 16, 2022 Children who develop the prerequisite literacy skills of phonological awareness, letter recognition, oral language, and concepts of print arrive at school ready to learn and are on the road to reading success. In Language & Literacy for Young Learners – Kit 1, participants learn: The importance of the prerequisite literacy […]
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Introduction
VirtualRegistration deadline is Friday, June 10, 2021 Dyslexia is characterized as difficulties with accurate and automatic word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties are unexpected in […]
2022 Neuhaus Speaker Series: Dustin Rynders
VirtualUnderstanding Special Education and 504 for Students with Dyslexia in Texas Dustin Rynders, Supervising Attorney Disability Rights Texas This presentation will review recent updates from the Department of Education and Texas Education Agency about how dyslexia should be assessed in schools. Presenter will help parents understand differences and similarities between special education and 504, their […]