Neuhaus Classes & Events
Professional Development Class
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- Professional Development Class
Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction
VirtualBasic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites […]
Language Enrichment – Day 5 (Virtual)
VirtualLanguage Enrichment is a structured literacy curriculum that enables teachers to teach successful decoding for students in grades 1-3. In Language Enrichment, participants learn how and why instruction in structured […]
Basic Language Skills: Book 3 (Virtual)
VirtualIn Basic Language Skills – Book 3, participants learn advanced structural analysis concepts, Greek and Latin morphemes, and additional strategies for comprehension and composition.
Developing Metacognitive Strategies – Day 1 (Virtual)
VirtualIn Developing Metacognitive Strategies, participants learn: 1) activities that increase oral language; 2) strategies for increasing vocabulary and background knowledge; 3) summarization activities; 4) questioning techniques; and 5) progress monitoring for […]
Developing Metacognitive Strategies – Day 2 (Virtual)
VirtualIn Developing Metacognitive Strategies, participants learn: 1) activities that increase oral language; 2) strategies for increasing vocabulary and background knowledge; 3) summarization activities; 4) questioning techniques; and 5) progress monitoring for […]
Reading Readiness (Virtual)
VirtualIn Reading Readiness, participants learn: 1) the foundational skills that are necessary to become fluent readers and accurate spellers; 2) hands-on, multisensory activities to teach and reinforce these skills; 3) strategies […]
Basic Language Skills: Book 3 (Virtual)
VirtualIn Basic Language Skills – Book 3, participants learn advanced structural analysis concepts, Greek and Latin morphemes, and additional strategies for comprehension and composition.
Basic Language Skills: Advanced – Day 1 (Virtual)
VirtualThrough coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with […]
Basic Language Skills: Advanced – Day 2 (Virtual)
VirtualThrough coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with […]
Basic Language Skills: Advanced – Day 3 (Virtual)
VirtualThrough coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with […]
Basic Language Skills: Advanced – Day 4 (Virtual)
VirtualThrough coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with […]
Basic Language Skills: Advanced – Day 5 (Virtual)
VirtualThrough coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with […]