Neuhaus Classes & Events
Professional Development Class
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- Professional Development Class
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Advanced
VirtualRegistration deadline is Thursday, September 8, 2022 Through coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with dyslexia and related disorders.
Reading Readiness
VirtualRegistration deadline is November 15, 2022 Research has demonstrated the importance of phonological awareness, letter recognition, and oral language in the acquisition of reading and spelling skills. Once students understand the sound structure of spoken language and can instantly name letters, they are ready to learn how sounds map onto letters. This knowledge builds their […]
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Book 3
VirtualRegistration deadline is November 15, 2022 In Basic Language Skills – Book 3, participants learn advanced structural analysis concepts, Greek and Latin morphemes, and additional strategies for comprehension and composition.
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Advanced
VirtualRegistration deadline is Thursday, September 8, 2022 Through coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with dyslexia and related disorders.
Developing Accuracy and Fluency+
VirtualRegistration deadline is November 17, 2022 Fluency is the prosodic flow of skilled reading that supports comprehension. Fluency requires instant word recognition, robust oral language, and the effortless application of speech features that is known as prosody. In Developing Fluency, participants learn how to: Assess students' word recognition, fluency, and prosody; Design lessons that address students' […]
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Advanced
VirtualRegistration deadline is Thursday, September 8, 2022 Through coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with dyslexia and related disorders.
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Advanced
VirtualRegistration deadline is Thursday, September 8, 2022 Through coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with dyslexia and related disorders.
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Advanced
VirtualRegistration deadline is Thursday, September 8, 2022 Through coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, morphology, comprehension, and composition for students with dyslexia and related disorders.
BLS Book 1B Cohort 22.2/22.3
VirtualBLS Book 1B Cohort 22.4
VirtualBLS Book 1B Cohort 22.2/22.3
VirtualLanguage Enrichment Day 1
VirtualRegistration deadline is January 17, 2023 Language Enrichment is a structured literacy curriculum that enables teachers to teach successful decoding for students in grades 1-3. In Language Enrichment, participants learn how and why instruction in structured literacy is effective with helping students become skilled readers. The coursework covers: 1) decoding and encoding concepts including reliable […]