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Scientific Spelling (Virtual)


Student's spelling errors demonstrate what they know and need to know about sounds and letter patterns. By addressing specific needs, students improve their accuracy and learn how to spell for […]

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites […]

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites […]

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites including coursework, practicums, and documented teaching hours, you are eligible to take the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) Competency Exam for Multisensory Structured Language Education […]

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites including coursework, practicums, and documented teaching hours, you are eligible to take the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) Competency Exam for Multisensory Structured Language Education […]

Written Composition (Virtual)


Students often struggle with written composition because they are unsure about how to formulate ideas and translate them onto paper. Knowledge of the structures of different paragraphs aids students in formulating and translating ideas. In Written Composition Fundamentals, participants learn: 1) how to teach the structures of descriptive, narrative, process, compare and contrast, and persuasive paragraphs; […]

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites including coursework, practicums, and documented teaching hours, you are eligible to take the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) Competency Exam for Multisensory Structured Language Education […]

Oral Language & Listening Comprehension (Virtual)


Oral language is the foundation of comprehension. In the early grades, comprehension is best developed through listening. In Oral Language & Listening Comprehension, participants learn: 1) the importance of oral language and listening comprehension to skilled reading comprehension; 2) activities that develop oral language and comprehension; 3) assessment of student's oral language through naming and […]

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites including coursework, practicums, and documented teaching hours, you are eligible to take the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) Competency Exam for Multisensory Structured Language Education […]

Language Enrichment Review (Virtual)


The Language Enrichment Review class is a refresher for those who have previously taken Language Enrichment or Language Enrichment On Demand. The class provides review and practice led by Neuhaus instructors.

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites including coursework, practicums, and documented teaching hours, you are eligible to take the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) Competency Exam for Multisensory Structured Language Education […]

Basic Language Skills (BLS): Introduction


Basic Language Skills (BLS) is a comprehensive and intensive Structured Literacy curriculum that is the core curriculum of the Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program (DSPP). Upon completion of all the DSPP requisites including coursework, practicums, and documented teaching hours, you are eligible to take the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) Competency Exam for Multisensory Structured Language Education […]