Neuhaus Classes & Events
Professional Development Class
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- Professional Development Class
Basic Language Skills (BLS) – Advanced
VirtualRegistration deadline is Friday, May 20, 2022. Through coursework in Basic Language Skills and intensive supervised practicum, participants advance their knowledge and skill in planning, delivering, and measuring instruction in decoding, structural analysis, fluency, […]
Language Enrichment
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 6, 2022 Language Enrichment is a structured literacy curriculum that empowers teachers to teach successful decoding and comprehension skills for students in grades 1-3. In Language […]
Language Enrichment for Older Students
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 6, 2022 Language Enrichment for Older Students is a Tier II intervention for upper elementary and middle school students who struggle with foundational literacy skills. The […]
Unexpected Underachievement
VirtualRegistration deadline is June 14, 2022. A difficulty in learning to read or spell that is unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities could indicate dyslexia or a related disorder. Whether there is a diagnosis or not, the instruction for students with dyslexia or a related disorder and those who are struggling with reading and […]