Neuhaus Classes & Events
Professional Development Class
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- Professional Development Class
BLS Intro (Cohort 23.3) – Day 3
VirtualUnexpected Underachievement
VirtualA difficulty in learning to read or spell that is unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities could indicate dyslexia or a related disorder. Whether there is a diagnosis or […]
BLS Intro (Cohort 23.3) – Day 4
VirtualBLS Advanced – Day 4
VirtualScientific Spelling (Virtual)
VirtualStudent's spelling errors demonstrate what they know and need to know about sounds and letter patterns. By addressing specific needs, students improve their accuracy and learn how to spell for […]
BLS Intro (Cohort 23.3) – Day 5
VirtualBLS Intro (Cohort 23.3) – Day 6
VirtualLanguage Enrichment – Day 1
VirtualLanguage Enrichment is a structured literacy curriculum that enables teachers to teach successful decoding for students in grades 1-3. In Language Enrichment, participants learn how and why instruction in structured […]
BLS Intro (Cohort 23.3) – Day 7
VirtualLanguage Enrichment for Older Students – Day 1 (Virtual)
VirtualLanguage Enrichment for Older Students is a Tier II intervention for upper elementary and middle school students who struggle with foundational literacy skills. The curriculum is based on the principles […]
BLS Advanced – Day 5
VirtualOral Language & Listening Comprehension
VirtualOral language is the foundation of comprehension. In the early grades, comprehension is best developed through listening. In Oral Language & Listening Comprehension, participants learn: 1) the importance of oral […]
BLS Intro (Cohort 23.3) – Day 8
VirtualLiteracy Leadership Institute (Follow Up 1; Option 1)
VirtualSchool leaders face many demands each day to ensure that all students on their campus are growing in their capacity to become competent readers. Effective literacy leaders believe that all […]
Language Enrichment – Day 2
VirtualLanguage Enrichment is a structured literacy curriculum that enables teachers to teach successful decoding for students in grades 1-3. In Language Enrichment, participants learn how and why instruction in structured […]