Neuhaus Classes & Events
BLS Advanced – Day 6
VirtualReading Readiness (Virtual)
VirtualIn Reading Readiness, participants learn: 1) the foundational skills that are necessary to become fluent readers and accurate spellers; 2) hands-on, multisensory activities to teach and reinforce these skills; 3) strategies for building instant recognition of words with reliable and unexpected pronunciations; and 4) the importance of explicit and systematic handwriting instruction to spelling and writing.
Virtual Dyslexia 201
VirtualThis session offers interested participants the opportunity to actively engage in learning essential vocabulary and procedures commonly found in structured literacy lessons for students with dyslexia, welcoming anyone who wishes […]
Literacy Leadership Institute (Follow Up 1; Option 2)
VirtualSchool leaders face many demands each day to ensure that all students on their campus are growing in their capacity to become competent readers. Effective literacy leaders believe that all students can learn to read critically, have deep content knowledge about literacy instruction, understand how reading skills develop, recognize the need for explicit, systematic teaching […]